Saturday, April 11, 2009


I wasn't going to waste my time writing about how awful this movie was...but it's hard to not want to warn people. DO NOT SEE "The Ruins"- strangely...produced by Ben Stiller (who looks embarrased in bonus interviews, which I watched while trying to figure out how Hollywood people decide to throw money at really really terrible scripts, casts, and production), but then, our government does that too.
OK- so do not see this movie unless you want your brain to turn into mush. Premise- a bunch of barely dressed young adults in Mexico follow some map to an ancient Mayan ruin, find hostile natives, and of course- a horrifying singing, growing, maneating vine that drives them all crazy. See who gets out alive! See who can get naked the quickest under the camping gear! See if you can outsmart the deadly vines! Yes, this is the movie in a nutshell.
I love scary movies that are suspenseful, and the more realistic the better (The Strangers for example). This movie was like a play in someone's back yard in high school..with a plant saying "Feed me, Seymour!" and some tequila thrown in for fun and yacking. In fact, I think some old friends Trent, Raven, Byron and Micah probably made similar plays during those crazy do -it-yourself with your own camcorder days in the 1990's- only their stuff was witty, dark, sillyor hilarious depending on the mood. And it was better! Produced by high schoolers!
This movie made my husband and I go- why did we...? What was the h??? huh? and we crawled back into our caves to find the light and meaning of life so that we could return to the enlightened world the next morning.
It was so bad, I almost had a "Revolt against Bad Movies Tea Party" this month, but then thought all the fringe loonies who wanted to protest "Mama Mia" would come out-- and that was a damn good movie.

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