Friday, March 2, 2012

Unpretencious artists are usually under 5 years old.

Please highlight and click on link below for some very amusing and scary pictures Gawker fans sent in of 'art' they did as children. We must never forgot how smart yet primitively simplistic a child's view of the world is and laugh at the little evil genuises that run amuck our world, only knee-high.

I remember a picture I drew in preschool that was titled "Chinese people" (written by teacher, told by myself) This was probably done in some "explore the world" type project in which we learned about people in far off lands. This was also in around 1978.

Every little cute face on that construction paper had majorly slanted eyes. Every single one.

Was it done out of racist undertones and a white supremacy world view?? No, dear friends, it was done because that's how some people look to a 4 year old. Just like skin may brown or a language may be silly sounding to a 4 year old. There is no context, only subject.
Oh, if only the world were that simple in Adult Land. :)

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