Tuesday, March 27, 2012

People are all weird. all of us. Even the trustafarians.

LOVED this post from Gawker linked below. Very entertaining and definitely could recognize people just like the descriptions in the post and in comments. Don't we all know someone who (probably due to their ambitious and well meaning pursuit of helping the world's problems), dress and act like they are one of the "poor" and "oppressed" in order to feel some type of compassionate empathy?

I do. I met alot of them the past decade. I feel for them, because I was also raised in a safe middle class cocoon of safety, nice clothes, good friends, and great education opportunities. However, it's insulting to slum around, complain about everything from capitalism to the plights of the endangered Long Island tit mouse when you have no idea what is it to be really POOR.

In order to really empathize, one would need to live in a 1930's shotgun house with leaky floors, socks stuffed into window cracks to keep warm, and have nothing but dirt and dirty clothes hanging on lines in the yard. That is what I see in the panhandle right now. Thank God I left the pristine white area of mid FL (Clearwater) and came back to the nitty gritty where I can see what needs to be done. Further, one would have to stand in lines to get free meals, free shots for their children, have to constantly look for low paying jobs, have to send their children to school in clothes they wore two days prior - these are some of the parents and children my son goes to school with. I'm glad he does, I am glad he has friends who speak Spanish and also see the other races and knows how the real world is. It will teach him that running away to live in gated communities is not how we deal with people's poverty problems.

In short order, we all try to do good things. We volunteer, hands to stone, get involved and teach our kids compassion. It is shameful that any person in the middle class ask for handouts, bailouts and sympathy in our country due to their bad choices, when kids are waiting for food. WAITING FOR FOOD. Not worried about whether or not they will live in a 3 bedroom house or not. Not worried about that fact that mom may have to lay off the Target trips. It is worse that some of us privileged white folks try to ACT poor and oppressed in order to "rebel" against our suburban roots. That is not a pro-active stance.

Be grateful spoiled children of the 1990's and 2000's. Instead of complaining and constantly expecting sympathy for your awful plight of being "well off", why not spend that energy DOING SOMETHING NICE for those less fortunate. More than just donating money, but donating time and thoughtfulness into a cause that can make a difference.

Our country needs less whiny spoiled "trustafarians" and more activists who can elevate our country's poor into the Middle without doing it as an act of suburban warfare against their parents who gave them so much.

The Middle and Upper this article speaks of, that hates itself so much is wasting their time on self pity...
If only the poor had that much time on their hands.


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