Friday, March 30, 2012

Blabbedy blah blah Part Duex

Stay with me folks, I wanted to add a few more items:

* Like the Girl Scout Song says "Make new friends, but keep the old, One is silver, and the Other's Gold". Which in my twisted head translates to "Make new friends who like to do cheaper things, don't shop all the time and are adventurous and fun. Start to put the other friends who only want to browse malls, Target and Outlet Stores just because they aren't imaginative to do other things in the world on a higher shelf, and leave them on that shelf more often, only to be called up occasionally just to stay in touch." In other words, join free writing clubs, social groups, activity oriented groups like volunteer charity groups to find new friends who don't see their life's goal as spending their boyfriend's or husband's money. (or their own!). These friends are not good for someone who is trying to grow up and learn about thriftiness.

* Quality not Quantity. I enjoy very nice things. I love very good food, collect nice artifacts and specialty items I can pass down to my kids, I love excellent road trips, live music and theater shows (10 plays not bad) singing along at piano bars with friends and even really love designer clothes and shoes (for the design, not the label - there is a difference). But I can do these things because I try to avoid the "junk" - the fast food trips (no longer an option in our house), the little bits spent at Old Navy, the toys the kids do not need, (I have been to Toys R Us twice in my life), and all the other little things that add up. Quality life is very nice. Quantity = junk, more debt, more crap to swallow you up.

* If needed, suck it up and sell it! Every now and then, we look around and find we have things we haven't used in a year or two. Then, we sell it. Instead of asking for help, we have sold vehicles and other items when we needed the money to make a better move for ourselves, and not once did we regret it. Even "toys" like small boats, 4 wheelers, etc can become liquid cash if you just let go. Living thrifty means doing what's needed now, not later. And then- you move on! We've never been without fun and adventure. We've never cried over selling something. But people cry all the time over their credit and debt.
If you need to- sell it! There's always more. That's what China is for right!! Gotta keep them in business.

* Thrifty means saying goodbye to Sam's Club and Costco. We were members for two years way back. Very small produce section and tons of salty frozen and canned foods. We used it for baby items and large quantities of paper goods. Why? What a waste!! It was depressing to see the people in line spending $300 on 12 packs of canned soups among other things like vats of salsa. Maybe they thought the end was near. Unless you own a softball team, leave the places to die a dark cave-like death. We have a large family that eats A TON but buying in bulk at Publix, through the Co-op and local produce stands is plenty. Cut ties with the Warehouse Mafia and keep all that extra money to yourself.

Now, I really have to go and tend to a near 3 year old who (just like his mama I've been told) is extremely grumpy upon awakening and needs a little sunshine.

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