Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Southern Gothic Ya'll

good morning cats and dogs! I am still alive and enjoying the beautiful blue skies after such a long dark rainy week. I love the spring and all the bright green coming out, although fall weather is my favorite. Also enjoying the slightly longer winter months back in the panhandle and it suits my soul to have more seasonal weather than the long temperate climes we lived in for four years. That said, I am very lucky to have a family that likes to try new things, and that takes the risks we do to find the perfect "home" place.

Speaking of being back in the cradle again..I have a few quotes from a nice Southern Living article I came across from a free zine stack the library was giving away (love the libraries..always find gems).

Here we go, and please come back soon..I have a stack of stuff to write about and now that both our kids are having a "well" week, I have more time to write, ruminate, waste your time and generally wreak havok on your personal integrity.

William Faulkner from "A Rose for Emily" -

"Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town."

Carson McCullers from "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" -

"And how can the dead be truly dead when they still live in the souls of those who are left behind?" (good one)

Eudora Welty from "The Robber Bridegroom" -

"And she would look out the window and see a cloud put up a mask over the secret face of the moon, and she would hear the pitiful cries of the night creatures."

Flannery O'Conner from "Wise Blood" - (top fave writer of mine)

"It's easier to bleed than sweat, Mr. Motes".

Kerry Donoghue from "The Pearl" -

"Harlan savored every burning drop of his gin as Jezebel drifted into the muddy Tennessee." ( a little dramatic but everything's more dramatic under live oaks and ghosts of a lost war...)

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