Sunday, January 3, 2010

In Media Rest...

Whatever, that just means I started a blog and then saved it, for your sensitive ears could not fully appreciate it's value without being well edited. Have a good night, soldiers... this full moon is waning, the stars are bright, cold and beautiful- and I love it when I can look up to the sky and see that there is nothing between myself and the stars except my breath, millions of years, and clean cold air sitting in blue perfection.
Look outside sometime at night, during these longer evenings, and enjoy the beauty that is night, especially in Florida or the Southeast where most nights are full of mosquitos, palmetto bugs, or lizards. Enjoy the cool air before the days of eight o'clock dinners, late night driveway carwashes and kids bouncing off the walls because "it's not dark yet" come to pass.

Enjoy the dark, enjoy the evening hours. They do not last long.

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