Wednesday, January 27, 2010

dear sons, do not emulate this man-

John Edwards. He is a rat-fink slimey mothball with empty cold blue eyes that make political promises but really just like to look at naked women and give them children while his wife is fighting cancer at home. Take note, my sons- this is not the kind of man I want you to be. I don't care what color, gender, religious background or planet your companion may take form if you fall in love down the road- but do not ever disrespect another human like this man has. What a creepy goofball of a lint bellied person he is!

1 comment:

John and Andrea said...

Amen!! And daughters: don't marry slimeballs. Man was I fooled with Edwards' smile and hair and supposedly "perfect" life...glad I didn't vote for him! haha! I didn't think he would have been the "leader" type anyway!