Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Part II

I used to think I was adopted. This was due to an oft repeated communication problem that happened "oft" between certain members of my family and myself. Those being referred to ala "Harry Potter" as them that shall not be named. I always wondered was there something wrong with me that they didn't seem to understand my perspective, and "oft" would take something I said in a completely different way than the intended purpose. This would repeatedly cause me to question my relationship skills, question my sanity, and question their biological and emotional attachments to their own family member, being myself.
It was never that I assumed they were trying to be difficult, but it always seemed that the simplest conversation starter, some innocent statement, would be taken completely out of context, make their brows furrow, the worry lines deepen and the next thing you know, the conversation would take a deep s- curve into communication hell.
Not that we didn't have some great talks...those still occur daily. And we love each other. But, still, after all these years, the ugly head of the "WTF" monster rears up and bites me just when I think we understand each other.
It's as if I've been on Greece this whole time, and the other is living in Italy- similar climes, great food - different language.
Say a prayer, people. Times are weird and wacky during the holidays.

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