Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The "Me Decade"

As this year comes to a slow dripping, crawling end, there are many bloggers speculating on what the past decade has been about. Some people I know would automatically name the Iraq Conflict as the numero uno definitive cultural event of the decade, others 9/11...these people both really talking about the same issue but naming it differently in order to appease their own political viewpoints. I would venture beyond the most obvious military event in the past ten years so far and brand the past decade as the "Me Decade." And here's why:
Myspace- though i never used it to promote my own rock band, my own videos, or my own personal yearbook, millions did. It is still hugely popular and has launched the careers of many pop stars who would has otherwise been left singing at some dive in Opopka FL waiting for some Disney agent to discover them. It helped the idea of self promotion rise to a whole different definition, and made everyone a web-star in their own mind.
Reality TV- began in the 90's with MTV's the Real World and the CBS Survivor series among others, but the family tree took a whole new root and grew ugly, deformed cousins like "I Love New York, "Rock of Love", "The Bad Girls Club", and "Jersey Shore." While I enjoy some reality tv shows like "Top Chef" and "Project Runway" both on Bravo ( the wink wink more upscale den of cheesy reality), these reality shows took some of life's most extreme stereotypes (the ghetto girl, the aging rock star, the Guido) and exploited the hell out of them, all for our viewing pleasure. Who said we haven't made progress in our loving, open minded country? I'm all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it...
Facebook- Had to do it, had to list the most recently used of all "me" applications. For free, I can read all about whatever truths or lies my friend write about themselves, see their pictures, post my own crap, make fun of others musings and usually have a good time connecting with general pop culture ideas, nostalgia and bond over current news events. Others use it for work and networking purposes and others for bored at work pasttiming. Yes that's a word. This is the ultimate "Me" decade definer. It is the yearbook on the internet, no need for back and forth phone calls, just hear "Me" out, and I'll read your status and post later....I jest but it can be an efficient, useful and fun network to use. Just remember, "You" are not the only one out there!
Media Fame- ever since Ted Turner showed the critics that 24 hour news like CNN could work, others popped up like a 5- headed Hydra. And, since not everything newsworthy happens in a 24 hour period, the media started giving dorks like Jon Gosling and Paris Hilton segments of news time, thus making the dumber of our species think that this is actually news. Also, this led to "normal" not on tv people think that they could achieve their 15 minutes of fame....like the balloon boys parents, and led to all kinds of stupid acts of dumbness by otherwise average people who thought fame was the answer to all their middle class boring lives. Wrong! But, again, it's all about the "Me" in this decade...look at me! I'm drunk and sniffing coke with my boyfriend on UTube!

Whew that is enough groaning about this decade for a while. I didn't even mention all the sniveling politicans and athletes who cried when they got busted for serial cheating, and the fact that the CLINTONS are still with us, thank you very much Mr. Obama.
Have a great night, kids, and thank your lucky stars that in a few days, the "Me Decade" is turning into something as yet to be determined.

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