Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas, and yes I am on the road and being lazy

Just so you know, since last week I've been up in the Panhandle of FL, visiting my own family and now in Pcola visiting my wonderful in-laws before returning to PC for the last 4 days of the week. Tonight, get to leave both my sons with their grandmother so we can go get 25 cent oysters and cheap beer at some great place with my borhter and sister in law and their friends... can't wait! I didn't realize when I left Clearwater that my parent's pc was on the blitz, and their new laptop isn't quite up and running yet, so i really didn't have convenient access to write more. I can't wait to get back home and bore you with my wisdom, high i.q. and random personal opinions on this blog for the New Year. Can you believe it's almost 2010? And i will be turning 36 YEARS OLD on Jan. 16. It makes me laugh just to think about it. I am not one of those women who fight aging, in fact, I am happier now than when i was 26, but it is always a sentimental day when you are marked for that many LESS days on's that for morbid thinking?? hee hee. Anyway, YOU have a great holiday season, don't eat too much and I will write alot more when i return!!

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