Saturday, March 2, 2013

This is how we roll...

Our sons wake up at around 6:30 every day..including weekends. So, after an afternoon out in downtown Pensacola with a lite bite at Hub Stacie's (a great landmark bistro with live music) and enjoying music drifting in from the nearby Seville Square, we came home, put our little ones to bed and enjoyed some old people fun with two episodes of "Justified" and called it a night by 11. OLD PEOPLE FUN. Anyway, being an early morning news buff, Saturdays are kindof a downer since the news we have on NBC sucks (sorry Lestor Holt and co.). In exchange for this cultural vacuum, my husband hooks up the youtube on the large screen t.v and peruses funny clips to brighten the day. Lo and behold I have discovered Key and Peele. We don't have Comedy Channel (who needs it, You Tube.) and this clip i found very funny. If you're game for some un p.c. fun or just love sports humor- this clip is too funny. And oh yeah, good morning. We are hunkered down, waiting for spring, temps will hit low 30's tonight but that didn't stop us from going to the beach twice this week after work, one for just checking in on it to say hello and holy cow the waves, and the other day to watch my man surf. It was awesome. The one thing I love about clear cold nights in the upper FL is the vast amount of stars we could see last was amazing. Camping days ahead for sure. Love to you all, and keep checking in for more worldly insight and wisdom ;0 

ENJOY CLIP BELOW - I'm Ready for some SEC football aren't you???

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