Saturday, March 23, 2013

Play Stefon with me.

One of my favorite SNL characters in the last ten years is Stefon, the arm sleeve tattooed club boy who is this close to bringing back glow sticks and 1996 warehouses rages, in fact may have been there just got plastic surgery. He shows up to the SNL weekend update to tell us all what the new hip hotspots are and they are always funny skits. Please take time out of your busy day saving the whales, harnessing the bales and building sustainable mud homes for rich white tourists in Africa who want to shoot animals and feed the poor and watch some Stefon skits on You tube sometime. In the meantime, its fun to make up your own Stefon dialogues in your head, perhaps while your children are torturing each other in the background with merciless teasing or perhaps while a new spring storm rolls overhead as it is right now in our peaceful abode.

"New York's hottest new club is called Malick Terrace located underneath the MoMa's recycling bin, and features long periods of extreme silence while large indoor screens show images of falling leaves and rain drops. In between the long periods of silence, you will enjoy the latest new groove by DJ Skittle who will amaze you by playing Backstreet Boys songs backwards while you dance on a floor covered in blue cotton candy and Cheetos. Bring a friend. Everyone who gets there before 2 a.m. takes home a stuffed unicorn that plays lullabies. The password is 'Red Rum' and everyone will be there."

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