Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lighten up already

Hello friends from far and near. Wow it's been a tough week out there, especially for women, homeless people and women. Also, I have noticed a HUGE increase in terrible grammar and spelling on the news and on the internet, among comments, scrolls and even on the morning news (GMA). Yes I know we are much more concerned with Hot Topics like Jessica Simpson and her big ole milk teeth but can we not even get the spelling correct on something that MILLIONS of people are reading (or maybe they aren't....) Sigh. The world is going to Hades in a cheap knock off man purse real fast folks. I need a tissue.

Anyway, How is it going for you all out there? Are we still holding on to our careers, our dreams or just happy to settle for some bad reality tv every night, our dreams out there are not in our hearts anymore (God I really hope that's not the case for any one you).

In this country of easy food, cheap entertainment and low rent insults, I would like to advise every one of you to get the heck out of your home and job today, tonight and tomorrow and breathe in mother nature.  I mean GET OUT> Turn off the tv, the interwebs, turn off the voices of people you don't really care about (FB) and get back into what is real and who you are. You might say "Well I have never really liked the dirt anyway, I'm a mall girl" ...Well after my short meditative prayer for your sorry soul, I would say "Hello are made of dirt, you are made of the dust of stars, all carbon and blood and gristle and such so get back to nature and say hello to your one celled ancestors." Or I might say something less "all in my head" like
"Hey friend, it's all good, how about just going outside in barefeet, or digging a garden up, or putting on the jogging suit for a nice run in the sunshine for a while and just ignore all that snow- because I'm in Florida and I forget about The North sometimes. "

Last weekend was turn it off weekend, I tried hard. We watch some stuff via Netflix but truly don't watch alot of tv shows anymore. Internet is just as invasive, so sometimes i just get on here and write, or use good old Office to add to millions of documents and ideas I have created over the years (to be heralded as the better and female version of Hemingway and the better and male version of O'Conner when I die as happens to all great talent hee hee). Jonathan Franzen wrote his wonderful works in a room with the internet turned OFF. No wonder why his work has been obviously edited to death and offers up such a clear vision of characters and plot (ok there are not really plots with him but there is an arc) - they were written in a vacuum, without the online comments, the constant chatter and the interruption of other's opinions.

Get back to Real, get back to you. It does a person good. It has for me. Yes, I write alot on this space of things that bother me, but then I go out into the real world and try to do something about it. life is not a discussion board, it's action. And it's Out There.

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