Sunday, December 19, 2010


WALMART- the neon superhighway of Santa's little helpers. I just left a Walmart. I try to avoid the bigger stores if at all possible. Not because I think I'm too hip for them, or because I dislike massive examples of capitalism (on the contrary), but because of their generic output.

The past few months, I have used a nearby one for some basic grocery/paper good type items, then we hit a produce stand once a week for TONS of fresh fruit, veggies, cheese, dry beans, oriental noodles, Indian sauces and other pieces and parts for great meals.

However, I had to admit that Walmart was a nice place to get the Christmas type stocking stuffers, candy, makeup items, shampoos, etc. UGG. The real thing that leaves a slimy mark on these visits is the utter generic quality to EVERYTHING in their store (same goes for Target, who tries to be "cooler" but really is just more expensive and cuter). I could buy a gift for someone at a Clearwater Walmart, and someone in Nosepick, Kansas might get the SAME exact present under their tree.

Soo...lucky friends and family of mine- besides some Generic but nice chocolates, peppermints, or cards, all of your gifts will NOT be from Walmart.
Generic Christmas avoided!!

Now, if only I could reinvent the capitalism wheel and figure out how to keep corporations from becomming so....generic. I assume if people frequented more unique stores and locally owned places, there would be more interesting items for the public to choose from (as proven through internet shopping). most people know, as the companies become more popular, their items become more generic (and cheaply made)..the vicious cycle continues. If only creativity AND profit could find a happy partnership - all of us would reach across the aisle, hold hands, and turn our country "purple". Even the middle. Where Walmarts DEFINE a town. I mean, if you don't have a Walmart, are you really a city?

Is it too early for a beer?

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