Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mad Men

I'll write more about this show again very soon. It's a gem. The writing is so deceptively simple, so true to character, and so intelligent that it's hard to describe to someone who has not been following it the past three years. It's beyond a normal tv show, it's a whole world of cultural references, human behavior, and well written suspense that one must enjoy each episode like a newly discovered treasure. I don't normally get this way about "television" but I do get this way about good writing. There is a big difference.

"Mad Men" deserves all the accolades it gets- and without much violence, explicit sex, or over dramatic acting, it won my mind due to it's subtleties. Every character is neither good or bad, but each acts like we all do- having embarrasing moments of mistakes, bad choices, or devastating consequences. Anyhoo, the season ending tonight was pure joy. They did it well, actually not as depressing as I thought it would be. Without giving anything away, I can simply recommend that one watch this show from the first season to this one sometime, and enjoy a show that actually gets better with age, instead of dying under it's own weight.
Mad about "Mad Men."

1 comment:

John and Andrea said...

Hi! Stopping by to say hello! And to say, Wow! what an episode huh? Really kinda sad with the family breaking up and all. But I don't feel sorry for Don, he did it to himself!