Friday, January 9, 2009

Mothers, don't let your daughters grow up to be henpeckers.

What really gets to me is how on so many sitcoms, commercials, etc... the women are always henpecking the male characters (sons or husbands usually). I get so frustrated over this whole view of our American suburban society as written by ad people and tv writers, like everyone is that nagging housewife on "everybody loves Raymond" and similar type shows. Some of them are cute and funny, but most just make me want to wring the necks of the actresses who take these roles? why do they want to volunteer to play a role that perpetuates the stereotype of the hen-pecker wife?
Another thing, this seems to go on in real life too....oh yes! I love being married and we have some married friends on the fringes of our social circles....but the most fun friends we have are the single, or "couple" friends- know why? Because THEY ARE STILL IN LOVE and the man doesn't put up with the nagging woman telling him how to dress, giving him a list of "things to do", or throwing him under the bus in front of dinner parties....because- he can get out like that! And so can she of course... I am not immune to this henpecking affliction- I notice things that need to Get Done and make sure they're taken care of by whomever has the time, the skills and the know-how. But the worst buzzkill in the world is being around a whole bunch of henpeckers who are commiserating about their lousy husbands, their whiny babies, or their ho-hum lives. I can't stand these type of women! No wonder most of my really good friends are ambitious, have a super sharp wit and their goals in life do not include making some poor sap miserable. Let me correct that- most men start off great- they are attractive, smart, charming.. and then some woman has to come along and act like she is Their Mother, therefore turning the man into either-
1. A "yes" person who gives up his own identity and wants so that his nagging wife will shut up, therefore losing the respect of all his friends and losing his own soul to a devil harpy.
2. A ragin lunatic who loses it, dresses up like the Bunny Rabbit on Easter and throws Malatov cocktails into some poor kid's skating rink party because his henpecker wife drove him to the edge.

Also, it's not fun for other people to be around these types of women. Everyone gets a little uncomfortable, and they may nod in agreement with her complaints but it's not authentic..they're just thinking "I am never getting married. EVER."
Let this be a warning, mother's to be.. Don't let your daughters grow up to be henpeckers. If they fall in love, tell them to let the man be a man, and then you might not be calling lawyers 10 years down the road because you stepped all over him and turned him into a mushy, whiny, emotional beanpole. Some ultra feminist types might balk at this, but that's because their issues have alot to do with Control...and marriage isn't about Control. That's the whole point.. When you get married, have children ,etc.. your husband is not your other baby, child, or something you have to put up with like some suffering old hag. Get over it- if you don't like him leave him! But dont' sit around picking on the guy for every little thing. Its not your was his mom's!
And, right on cue, I am thinking of about 10 things that "we" need to do tomorrow...
see how easy that was? :)

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