Sunday, January 11, 2009

Are you there, God? It's me, Jennifer.

It's Sunday. We usually get to church. But this morning is different...Nick has a cold we have antibiotics for, but it's always awkward when you drop your snotty kid off in a nursery and the caretakers look at you strange because your child sounds like a chainsaw..and no-one wants their child to be THAT child. Plus- there's a A&E Biography show on Meatloaf! Meatloaf! I love him! Once when first married, Phillip and I did karoake to "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" and "I Would do Anything for Love" was pure magic. You had to be there. It cemented our holy union into something altogether a different type of long term commitment.
Anyway, after the fog dies off, I am sure it's going to be a beautiful Central Florida day...and a perfect day to pack up our truck and go fishing. We have family comming in next weekend so we'll be busy, and Phillip has to get back to work until Thursday (FAA people have great schedules, luckily). So, my reasoning it that we should get out and enjoy nature today. Worship in the church of salt and sand.
What would the disciples do? Go fishing, probably. Thanks for the talk, big man. We'll get out there and say our prayers of thanks tonight, being so grateful for a great family day and some time together under the sun.
Peace out kids, Juju

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