Sunday, December 7, 2008

Worst movie titles ever!

Some movies are doomed before they are even released, in my opinion, just by their title. For example, newly released "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". No matter how critically acclaimed it may be, how many average citizens are going to spend $40 bucks with a date to see that? Now, I love movies, it's one of my favorite hobbies. My husband has suffered through some doozies that are of the "independent" nature, or (gasp!) foreign. Most were good, some questionable as to their artistic purpose. but, one thing is certain, a title can stamp an image that no matter what great actors are in it, or how beautiful the photography, can never be erased from our minds. Here are some examples...i am sure you can think of some!

"K-Pax" - some movie with Kevin Spacey as an alien or something, what the $#@! were they thinking? It sounds like something out of a Judy Blume novel that you buy for 10 cents at public restrooms- gross!
"Hope Floats" - great movie, love the Southern humour in it, and the Garth Brooks song he did for it (You Move Me) but the title gives me the image of gas bubbles rising to the surface in some swamp and then in big letters, "HOPE" comes floating out of the mire. Just weird.
" Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael" - great Winona Ryder in it before she got all pretentious and dyed her hair black (no it's not real!) and was on IFC recently. Every time i see it I get all verclempt and need tissues. Wonderful comming of age movie, horrible title. Ironically, the title character's face is never shown..but you have to see it to understand.
"Seven Years in Tibet"- sounds like fun doesn't it?? Even Brad Pitt couldn't make this one a blockbuster. Good story and also true, which can be boring for some reason.. true stories are often not written well for the big screen... I think the writers get nervous.
"The Man Who Cried"- a lost Johnny Depp movie with Christina Ricci and Cate Blanchette..interesting movie about WWII, Jews and Gypsies (of course played by Depp). I rented this a few years back after i kept seeing it at Blockbuster...I thought what a horrible name, and it really doesn't go with the story at all.

Here are some titles that walk the fine line of weird titles:
Snatch - just because people!
The Secret of Nimh (who would ever think it's about rats that talk?)
Cannonball Run
Lord of the Rings
Donnie Darko
Hustle and Flow
Heathers- the best movie ever about high school
The Big Chill
Pulp Fiction....ok this could go on forever.
In general movies that start with "the" are usually ok title. Except for "The Man Who Cried".
Like "The Cable Guy", etc...anyway have fun today folks--- my son is done eating grapes and licking his plate like a dog.

1 comment:

John and Andrea said...

So true on those titles! Some titles aren't great but the movies are o.k. And who thinks them up? Maybe the screenwriters..I don't know.