Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tonight- we view The Dark Knight

Ok- so we got the big one coming in the mail today via NetFlix...i know, i know, you all saw it like 5 months go but when you have a 22 month old you have to pick and choose your babysitting favors wisely, and we usually don't wasted them on movies but rather going out to eat or watching live music somewhere for a while. I have always been a Christian Bale fan since Empire of the Sun, The Machinist, and the oh so bloody gory wonderful American Psycho, so have been excited about his latest turn as Batman. I love Christopher Nolan films (Memento, Following --good weird movie), and was really impressed by Batman the Beginning (except for Katie Holmes, she's like a giant wooden figure that mumbles alot, and still looked like a preppy grunge kid from Dawson's Creek). So- looking forward to seeing the tragic Heath Ledger role that everyone has been chatting about. If there are any of you who never saw "Brokeback Mountain" - just watch the last 10 minutes of it sometime- he is heartbreaking. And no- hanky panky either.
Oh- I hear animals being thrown to the floor in Nick's room- time for my quick break to be over. Phillip and I are excited about his folks and sister commng to see us this year for Xmas so another large family gathering in a few weeks. They are alot of fun and I love my sis-in-law and brother in law Kevin (although he may be visiting his folks in Gainesville to split the time). They are the ones who came to Nashville to go to the infamous Foo Fighters concert with us on a very cold 20 degree weekend- but we stuck it out and stood in line two hours ahead of start time. Don't miss that cold though :0 Have a good day you all. Love, JM

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