Wednesday, July 6, 2011

mint juleps and Nancy Grace

I know alot of people who are in the public eye (from a t.v. show or news column, etc) really do try to actually bring attention to issues in our country. I also believe at one time, Nancy Grace was a pretty normal (for a lawyer) woman who got sick and tired of the large amounts of crimes against children and women in our country. She decided to do something about it. She got a show, and has slowly driven her crazy train towards the shallow end of the ocean.

I really did used to catch her on CNN and would be slightly amused, sometimes wary, and even sometimes touched by the amount of emotion she would show about the victims of horrific crimes. But then, I realized, just like someone watching Law and Order SVU reruns on a Sunday cable marathon, that the original intent of her message is lost in the close ups of gore, fantasy, unnecessary graphics, overindulgent talking heads, and silly interviews that do seem scripted.

It would be nice if someone would create a show (in her stead) that would lay out crimes so that a sane person could follow without feeling completely visual and mentally assaulted afterwards.

As someone who has always had an interest in court cases, crimes and enjoyed the law classes I took, I have empathy with those who felt emotional about this horrific Casey Anthony case. As time went on, like a bad soap opera, the original missing person crime turned into a messy daytime drama. It was ugly.

Maybe Nancy Grace will retire now to a 3 story on stilts over in Hilton Head and make organic soaps for her friends in between massages from a flown-in Swedish blonde hunk who even paints her toes Atlanta Red for her. They could watch the waves, gossip, play rummy, drink mint juleps and we'd never hear from her again.

That will never happen.
see link below for some general American wackiness. Don't let it upset you, it's just another helmet headed media nutjob who gets a whole hour to spew stuff. (thanks, whoever let this one out of Belview).

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