Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hope you are having a great July 4th weekend. I can tell the grasshoppers of FL are hoppin when I hear nothing but edgers, lawnmowers and blowers right now. It also means our first dry day in 5. Where to begin.

1. Our son went into the ER again this week. It sucked bad, for us and mostly for him. All wired up and stapled down while they tried to find the cause of his high fever which in turn caused him to have along seizure, during which I had a panic attack in the ambulance with him.

2. The above ordeal was not something we take lightly. Nick is fine now, but the past few nights I sleep with one ear open, not that it would help. I think about what he heard while in seizure, if he felt my hands on his head and chest, if he heard me whispering to him the whole way.

3. Now we are having to tackle some ignored yard work. We have made a vow to NEVER again buy a house, and furthermore when we do move again (and we will) to have a low maintenance yard. This one is great, but we just do too much out in the community and for entertainment to really need to have a large front and back yard someone has to constantly work on. I love plants, but in our smaller yards I was able to procure herbs and flowers all the same.

4. On that note, we are not going to buy another home for a while. We are way too mobile to have to deal with any plumbing, roofing or other issues. We have been lucky with this wonderful home so far, but now that our kids are growing fast, we'd rather spend our extra expenses on all the things we have put off for tow years- camping, traveling, fishing more, and visiting far away friends and family.

5. We are moving back to the panhandle within 6-8 months. We love it here and have made alot of great memories the past three years, including the birth of a son, lots of great parties in Brandon and here, U2 concert, Big Lebowski Fest, Crickateers friends and fun, and people we have met in downtown and Safety Harbor. Since last Thanksgiving, when we had a rather soulful visit to PCola and panhandle, we realized as we left that it was our basecamp and that our home here was more like a longterm vacation home. Things shouldn't feel that way. Plus, we like the panhandle locations because they are closer to New Orleans and ATL for future events or even moves. Old friends, old/ new friends we left behind and a ton of people I know are migrating back to the North (panhandle) after being gone decades. There are more reasons but we can discuss those in the future.

6. I do not understand why these people are in the news: the Kardashians, Ashton Kutcher, Angelina Jolie, the Teen Moms of MTV, Jersey Shore crew, and Gwyneth Paltrow (what an unfortunate name).

Most of these people are passing in their 15 minutes, but some fall under the category of celebrities who think that because they are in LA that they are experts on world issues such as poverty, etc. Most do not have college education, some do. Most live lives in a vacuum of managers, nannies, and photographers. Most have agents who donate their money to charities. Most are not good actors but still get decent roles. Most cannot carry a tune but people (family connections) still insert them onto music show duets and we are cringing for them. Egos are a great way to never feel scrutinized, and that must be a great feeling.
Jersey Shore- I've never seen it because we don't have MTV but the amount of internet cover stories they get is astounding. I wish them no harm but would like one weekend without getting on my beloved pc and seeing any of these silly people.

That's all for now- outdoors again to continue some yard work and then drive down to the beach for a stroll or snack.

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