Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hello and this is not the WSJ and Sex.

Just wanted to say hello to my old friends out there who stop by and read this blog. I appreciate your feedback, thoughts and giggles about it and hope it entertains you at times. I figure if you want the facts, read the Wall Street Journal, NY Times or even Facebook (there are a TON of experts on FB). A blog is just a ghost of diary and a shadow of a journal. I leave out huge parts of me and leave some room for you to fill in huge parts of you. Maybe leave room for relational thoughts and a moment to go "what?" or " I know exactly what she means". That's all. It's not here to educate and you do not need my expertise on - anything.

One a side note, my tutoring student and I had a church giggle tonight because the topic of sexual attitudes in the US was brought up between us. We discovered that we had the same viewpoint of the US. One kinky, fun, neurotic, exotic, experimental and sexual group of people who really are that way but are generally made to feel guilty due to our Quaker and Pilgrim roots. Sex on cable tv is either adultery or done before a big murder (after which Horatio comes to clean up the mess). What we meant is - how deeply neurotic we are and oppressed we are made to feel about feeling and being sexy beasts that we are. In northern European countries, children get a good talk about pregnancy prevention and similar topics and they educate their children on these things. As a general rule, we don't talk about sex but yet our kids see it all day on tv. Seriously check out cable or network tv sometime. And it's not "good sex" where people are laughing, hugging, enjoying themselves...it's usually some criminal or judgemental light put to the story line. There's not alot of "loving" sex (and I DO NOT mean just married people).

All I want to say to America is lighten up. Have fun, quit telling other people how to live, look at yourselves. If you're bitter, ask why. Have sex, have fun, be safe, read the WSJ sometime and stop being judgemental of others. I have gotten so sick of snobby people the past few years. It's like they popped up like weeds lately. The right to assume you know best for others is an idea that should have gone the way of the Pilgrim. It's time to work on ourselves, to be better, happier and then spread that feeling around. Not to be so arrogant and righteous as to be bitter at other's happiness. That is backwards. It doesn't work. I have seen people try to maintain a "friendly" appeal but their inner snob always come out, wafting out of their tight smile like smoke.

or maybe they just need a friend, for the night.

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