Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A little salt and lime...

Salt- it's so freaking hot here in mid coastal FL that I almost literally melted onto the seat of my truck today even with great working a/c. The heat makes me grumpy, I'll never get used to it down here. It's only seven hours to PC but what a difference. Now, for a few weeks or even a month or two, there is some equality in the heat, but down here it's like a waffle maker. SALT!

Lime- soothing. My husband buzzed away at some homemade carpentry (a play table for our kids and a work table for our garage) and I watered our plants like a trooper. I soothed myself on a mommy break at the beach yesterday sitting in the Gulf of Mexico among the Memorial Day yahoos and had a very nice time. In the end, I wanted to be back with my husband and sons, to enjoy the last day together of our 6 day stay-cay at home. Only a week left until my son is out of school for the summer, so I got out the craft boxes for the kids, my old piano books for keyboard singalongs, and am trying to be mentally prepared for a summer. Lime- green, cooling, used in my homemade quacamole and squeezed onto fish, pastas, and rice dinners. Lime- my favorite color.

Hope you guys had an outstanding weekend and week. I am about to embark on a trip of writing...for my sons. I am quitting Facebook for the summer in a few days,and am pulling the mental reigns in so that I can concentrate on writing...my first love. I am still volunteering for the Literacy Council local and hope to do more volunteering this summer and fall for any other United Way organizations. I used to help with their marketing department in Okaloosa County and got bitten by the bug in my youth from my own parents who have always been service oriented. I was asked to be a Guardian Ad Litem so am looking into that. Will def keep you posted. I really want to know how you all are doing. I wonder about many of you. So many of you guys that I know read this are people I admire and like for different reasons. Your "platform" is yourself. Sometimes, I think the internet has made everyone an expert...a therapist, a doctor, a professor, a minister or a pseudo leader. People forget to be themselves, and project ALOT.

That is your salt and that is your lime. Like usual it's a good or bad thing depending on your mood and if you lick it off your thumb or just ask for water.

In the meantime, I'll fight off the crazy FL insects and stay still for a while. We've done a ton of traveling the past spring and although we both love the road and could live on the road, our kids need to be in their own places for a while!

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