Monday, May 2, 2011

Do babies ruin some marriages? read below to see what one woman says

I don't think having a child instantly turns a marriage "bad" but rather for some couples (like my husband and myself) who were together for YEARS before having a child- it was a rather rude wake up call. You could say- we were each other's babies and I miss that alot. We love our children very much, and I am always finding ways to show them they are adored and are the special wunderkinds we know they are.
However, I do think couples who are considering having kids should NEVER listen to their waiting to be "grandparents" and rather ask for the Real Deal from friends who do have kids now, and haven't forgotten how hard it is. Get some real information, be a little emotionally prepared. Kids, are you know.. for REAL. If your parents want you to have kids that bad, and you are questioning it - DON'T do it, and tell them to adopt a min-pin. Let them clean up the poop.

Enjoy this link and the hundreds of comments from readers.... Thanks Jezebel!!!5797393/babies-are-jerks-who-will-ruin-your-marriage

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