Saturday, May 21, 2011

Good morning or last goodbye??

Hello cats and dogs! Hope you guys are doing well out there in Apocalypse World. Are you there? Are you still with us? Well, I have been AWOL for over a week and am back in the land of FL. I love the beaches (especially of the panhandle) but going from 40 degree mountain air thousands of feet above sea level to the sweat bowl of our state was quite a shock two days ago. We went from Spring Green to Mean Steam and catching up on our yard work was a monster. But we survived the skeeters and weeds and are finally on top of our game.

There's alot to talk about right? End of days, Arnold and his little prince, going back to the gym full time this week after a week hiatus, my sons have grown so much, decisions we are discussing about where we might live next, the "film" "The Expendables" we saw last night (let's just say I was most excited about the red Xterra being used in a long car chase), Obama's pressure on Israel, tornadoes in the South, and my recent rides through Gainesville, FL my old stomping grounds (and place of many fun memories with my husband.)

However, the Curious George movie is about over, which means I am having to plan my next moves for "what do I do with my children" day since P isn't here right now. Soo...after the family time is over, I will return to this my most public/private outpost on the interweb to offer some more entertainment.

In the meantime, stash you stuff in the basement, have a great last meal and we'll see you on the other side.

Ta ta for now !

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