Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gym Rats, Gym Groupies, and Me

Ok, So I joined a gym here in our fair city a few months back. As with every time we have joined a gym where we have lived, it's always an interesting place to observe human behavior and reflect on my own love/dislike relationship with my own body. I was raised with a good amount of self confidence to due my caring parents and never had a problem with my somewhat short curvy stature until...some evil person sent an anonymous letter with honest to God magazine cut-out letters to my parents house that stated something along the lines of " eat a salad..." Now, to make things clear:
1. I never told my parents or friends about this.
2. I never found out who sent it.
3. This was in 1990 right after we moved from our Pretty Bayou address to a somewhat more affluent neighborhood of Kings Point..where we had a pool in a very private backyard where I would lay out and swim, assuming I was not being watched by some troll. Let me correct- Pretty Bayou has many expensive homes but I am pointing out the higher bully/competitive/mean girl quotient went way up upon this move.
4. Being a lover of water, swimming and boating, I had never been afraid to wear swim suits until this weird letter was opened with much surprise in my bedroom.
5. After this, for my entire high school life, I wore board shorts etc when swimming or boating with friends (among family members I was always very happy to be myself).
6. This incident was strange because I could never figure out who would send that to the time I had really close, long term friendships with girls I loved and trusted.
7. I always suspected it was someone who I didn't really know, perhaps someone who was jealous that I always had a steady stream of questionable but really cute boyfriends. Perhaps a King Point beauty queen who felt better by hounding me instead of living her own life?
8. Thus...though still quietly very confident of my own body due to my own undiminished self esteem and many many compliments from men who loved my curves...I grew into a woman who was 98% good with herself- sucks that someone else took that 2% and never gave it back.

Here we are- gym time. Really, wanted to get that little secret off my chest. Ahh...feels so good! Now, I have always enjoyed walking, a little running and alot of swimming laps in the Gulf or in a long pool like my folks have. The gym experience has been great- I had three free meetings with a personal trainer, got my BMI done, weight and developed a really great weight training program to focus on balancing my body out- less stress on my shoulders (tension, due to kids and picking up baby stuff all day) and build a stronger back, core and legs. I know my weaknesses and am always in a better mood after a good long trip to the gym.
Here's the fun part- noticing the different types of gym rats including myself....

The Senior Getting His Kicks: down here, we have alot of retired people who are prevelant in my gym. They talk, they hang, they attend the classes, and it's a social event for them. For me, I usually have about an hour own my own, or more if I bring both kids during their daycare hours. Several times, I have noticed pretty fit older gents who sit on the chest, leg presses, slowly crunching away, blantantly staring at my chest as I do arm presses, or staring at anything under 40 who is not in a walker. These men have every right to stare, as they pay their fees like I do. So, I just stare back. Hey men! Don't be so obvious, maybe a slight quick glance at the women will do aye?
The Gym Rat: This is the person who is always there. I must know this because sometimes I go twice a day (not often but like to). THis is the person I wonder "what do they do for a living that they are always here and not at work" I'm talking 9:30 am and maybe later at 4 pm. They hang onto the equipment, take their time, socialize and have arms the size of cannons. Sometimes, their arms are so disportionately big that their legs are like little musketballs crying out "hello down here, I need some tlc please!"
The Bronzer: This is usually a woman who is so perfectly tan, it must be painted on. Her forehead is the same as the ankles, and I wonder if it ever rubs off on her pillow.
The Pro: There are many of both sexes like this at gyms - the professional body builder, and boy do they mean business. They seem to all know each other, and are really big. They wear tanks and are built like cannons, all in/out, in/out and look like they could crush you.
The Sidewayser: this is usually a guy who is just checking you out, sideways and non-offensively. Sometimes, there are the ones who get on the treadmill right next to yours even though there are ten down the aisle that are free. Why? To check out how many miles I've done? To see how high my incline is set to? to set up some non-happening conversation? Hmm..or just because all the other treadmills are in repair? I will never know, but it happens alot.
Just like when you park your new car far away at Walmart and some random person parks their car right next to yours, half a mile away from the entrance. It's a mystery.

So..that's some news from the fitness front. I am in the category of "beginner, again" or "Gym- Redux". The ones who have finally committed and are seeing results, so will not stop as it is a part of daily life now. The ones who have etched out their own time for themselves with no apologies and who are in like with themselves, later in life, and are not waiting for confirmation.

Good bodies are great, but when the mind is present, it's all in sync. I just wish no other teen girls would ever have the dubious honor of nasty hate mail to further complicate very complicated young lives.

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