Thursday, October 28, 2010

Giving Thanks

There are major benefits of saying "thank you" and expressing gratitude in your life.
1. It helps you feel more in control. This suggests that people feel better when they take credit for the good things in their lives, according to Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of " The How of Happiness".
2. It improves your health. People who kept gratitud journals tend to be exercise more and sleep more than the average person. Also, they report more energy and vitality. (from Robert Emmons, Ph.D. author of "Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make you Happier."
3. It helps you cope better with trauma. Lyumbomirsky says that by focusing on positive gratefulness, one doesn't focus so much on negative feelings and memories from the past.
4. It bolsters self-worth and self- esteem. By being positive, one focuses more on things you value most rather than things that you want or think you need.

from "Real Simple" Nov. 08, reporting by Nykia Spradley and Lesley Alderman

So..make "thank you" a new daily habit. Everyone benefits, and if you have children, they will learn the class and grace of gratitude.

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