Friday, October 1, 2010

F Scott Fitzgerald

A little salt and lime:

Forgotten is forgiven.

Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind.

Her body calculated to a millimeter to suggest a bud but yet guarantee a flower.

For a while, after you quit Keats, all other poetry seems to be only whistling or humming. ( I agree)...JM

In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.

Personality is an unbroken series of succesful gestures.

Thank you, Fitz... I almost named my second child after you, but thought the better of it after deciding it was best not to have ignorant people taunting my son while he perhaps dreamed of writing and highballs..something they would never understand in this sometimes intolerant world.

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