Thursday, October 1, 2009


I really suck as a blogger lately. Unfortunately my body is stuck on a couch lately or some other comfortable chair feeding our gassy baby from about 7pm- 11pm off and on and by then I'm either too wired to sit and write, and too tired to put together anything meaningful. Such is life. At least I'm still happy and enjoying the early mornings and life in general. There's so much one could write about newborns, babies and kids but usually I find that stuff pretty mundane and repetitive, so I try not to put too much of it into this column. There are several observations in general I can put my finger on just to have some "thinking" points:

1. Whoever beat up Michael Moore in the playground in his youth should be lightly spanked with a big bag of wet rice. After college, I watched "Bowling for Columbine" (not his first doc) and although appreciated his right to tackle the gun safety issue (and realizing he was trying to find reasons for the rise in youth violence in our culture), I didn't like how he seemed to put most of his blame on gun shop owners, and individual spokespeople like Charleton Heston (NRA leader at the time). Parents were not pressured for answers as to why THEY were'nt paying attention to what their children were doing (planning bombs in their bedrooms) and why their leniency and almost a FEAR of alienated their teenagers were keeping them from being strong willed, disciplining parents. Anyway, he's out with another one, and always seems like he just needs that attention. Much like the youth portrayed in his docs, he needs someone to pay attention. SDo, if you like him, go watch his movies- maybe if he makes enough, he'll retire and leave the rest of us alone. ;)

2. I think Gov. Crist jumped the shark a bit when he recently was quoted as saying Pres. Obama will lose his next election in a landslide "much like Jimmy Carter". I don't why Crist would be dumb enough to say something like this, especially when he is also looking to a future in a higher political position. It's one thing to THINK something, but a smart politician knows to keep extreme thoughts to themselves, especially in this day of media bone-picking. I get that you're supposed to be honest, but that's not really how the game is played, from any side. Besides, to make an early prediction like that is a tad goofy. The guy has only been in office less than one year. And Crist, well, he's gonna have his own demons to chase down when his time comes, so he better keep the friends he has now.

3. Jimmy Carter, is a really nice guy- from what my parents say (they met him once and have pictures). They really really liked him when he was president, and from what I've seen in historical context, alot of people really really liked him. But he wasn't a good president. (That is what seems to be the general consensus of folks from that generation). He has done many many good things, like the Habitat for Humanity program and seeming to be a peace- loving man who writes poetry, and probably has good Southern manners. Someone needs to tell him that saying that people who didn't vote for Obama are racists isn't really in the "unifying" and "change" message that Obama was promoting during his campaign. Carter is out of touch, and needs to retire to his peanut farm. If he doesn't have one, he should grow one. His statement is EXACTLY what I predicted during earlier blogs and emails would happen during this election, given all the hype about Obama being the first black president nominee by the media. But it wasn't about race, right?? Thanks for calling me a racist, Carter. Gee... I'll make sure to let our "diverse" friends know that I am so that they can stay far far away from me.

tata for now folks! It's beautiful outside and the morning has been great. Politics is like a drunk late night game of Scrabble, the more they play, the later it gets, the more the politicians start to make up stuff and try to pull it off as the real deal. Get your dictionaries out, and study hard.

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