Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Palin Problem & other Reasons I Am Frustrated with Conservatism right now.

The problem with Sarah Palin is that she will not go away. And I don't mean that to be insulting to her or her seriously sincere intentions and platform. If I was her manager, I would tell her to lay low, do select interviews, do some charity work, build a stronger network of reliable business friends and future campaign supporters. I am not going to vote for her in 2012, nor will I be voting for Romney or Huckabee. They represent a part of the Conservative movement, along with Palin, that have hijacked the Republican party, split it into tiny fractions, and have veered again into the murky depths of issues that I believe are for private decisions, not public discussions - such as abortion and evolution (for that matter Intelligent Design).

I still agree with Guiliani who said last year that the conservative movement, not necessarily the Republican party, will have to take back their platforms of small government, free market, and self responsibility back in order to unify their cause. I love him and though he has strong Mafia ties- would love for him to run again, and win. But that won't happen...too bad.

Those other candidates, although well -meaning and idealistic just like their Democrat counterparts, have created a media image of the conservative movement of a bunch of angry, radical nut-jobs who hate black people, are ignorant of social causes, and who read the Bible backwards by candlelight every night while purging out demon snakes from their children's public school textbooks by day. And, let's face it- though we know the media is a bunch of circus clowns fighting for air time, image is everything today.
So- no I won't be voting for Palin- I respect her, and find her story to be an interesting story of American politics, but as a Presidential candidate, I cannot throw a chad her way.

Find me someone new! Fresh blood! Someone who won't spend their money and ads attacking Obama, but rather spend their energy representing some new solutions to problems that people like myself want fixed. And, if you don't know what those are- just ask us!! Some candidates lately assume they knew what the "American people" want- but they don't ask- they just look at some dumb CNN poll and go from there.
I am putting a call out to all 20 people who read this- find me a candidate who can unify the nation, not further divide it like has happened during the last three administrations. Give me someone who won't fill our news with nasty affairs, dark secrets, or bitter hearts. Give me someone who "gets" that we are all different shades of gray, and realizes that arrogant promises and sly winks to the media only get you elected, not respected in the end.

Now...getting the cooler packed for a late afternoon of sun and fishing with the family.

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