Saturday, September 26, 2009


I am writing this in honor of a true fallen hero - the FSU football team, and it's legacy. Being raised in Panama City, Florida, it was a tradition with almost every person that I knew that you would at least go to a few FSU games in your lifetime being so geographically close to Tally. We enjoyed it- my dad took us to my first game there when I was..oh maybe in middle school. He scored some tix from a family friend, and we went. My parents graduated from Univ. of South Florida, so there were no ties to FSU. It was just fun, the stadium was huge, the fanfare was great, and the games were incredible. Later, I went to quite a few games with friends I would meet up with during some weekend jaunts up from Gainesville ( always a fun time and my roomates had fun going with me too). We would have fun going to their pubs, seeing old high school friends and if they were playing anyone except the Gators, we would have a blast.
Tally is a really pretty town, with lush tree lined neighborhoods similar to Gainesville's village like atmosphere, although sometimes the capital was a little too "capitol" and full of traffic for my taste. but here's my point- someone needs to have a "come to Jesus" moment with the Bowden.
He is a legend, yes. Alot of people insist he isn't really coaching, he's just a figurehead. Well, if that's the case, then why aren't they doing some better recruiting and playing while he's hanging around "figureheading?" I graduated with a hard earned degree (thanks parents) from FSU PCC campus in advertising and communications, and found the classes there to be very intense, very useful in real life, and am very proud of that particular program and school. Because I spent so many years toiling away in Gainesville, and having established a regular football going schedule there about 3 years before actually attending UF (during which a great team played and won a national championship), I became a Gator fan.
There is no confusion. I always respected FSU's ability to come back at those scary 4th quarters, and though I resented their sometimes super -ego sized showboating and grandstanding, they were always a team to be fearful of. This was during most of the 90's, and doesn't even take into account their 1980's winning seasons with Bowden. With no irony or sarcasm intended, What Happened? and Why Doesn't Someone Say Something? It's like an elephant in the room that noone wants to look at. Bowden has nothing to be shameful of, just let someone else do the head coaching and help bring some shine back to that team in the armpit of Florida. I don't know what happens every season lately behind closed doors with the rich alumni, the coaches, the athletic staff, etc to make coaches do what they want. How does one say "Excuse me, but we need a dominate leader here, not just a figurehead?" Hmm.....

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