Thursday, July 30, 2009

Theta is a great zone, supposedly!

I have to admit, within the first few minutes of a two hour writing seminar I attended at Dunedin public library recently, I thought I was being trapped in a Scientology recruitment session. The leader, a self-published writer we'll call "Mya", was dressed in long hemp clothing, drapey silver jewelry and had such a cheerful disposition that I was immediately suspicious. About 30 people sat behind long tables and we signed a sheet ( I didn't give out my email address) and were handed pamphlets in order to follow along. The reason the Scientology alarm bells went off was the information she outlined that she dubbed Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta levels that one must understand in order to "write from the soul." Now, I had signed up for this class looking for some help with fiction, as I had been a member of the Panama City Writer's Association, and am looking for a similar group here. Within a few minutes, I knew that she was more interested in journaling, or what she termed "soul writing", but I stuck around anyway.
The class turned out to be more of a new-age, self help guide to journaling- with no obvious attachments to the Scientology cult after all. "Mya" had been through a nasty divorce, had worked in a high level CNN position for years, and had one of those mid-life "what is my life's purpose" moments that caused her to pick up a pen and start journaling her thoughts. She feels it is her goal now to help spread the word on how heart and brain healthy it is to write, physically write (not type on a p.c.). She had medical statistics on how suppressed emotions can cause very unhealthy conditions and how depression, especially in older people who always thought they had to hide their problems, can ruin a person who simply needs to express themselves.
I was enjoying this, being the only person under 45 in the room, and thought it made sense. I don't journal like I used to, but I understand the importance of being able to express one's self without fear of censorship, embarrasment, or reprimand. Furthermore, journaling is a private therapy session, and requires no other involvement. Then, Mya got into the levels of consciousness. Beta is when we are awake, alert and moving through our day solving problems. Alpha is the level during which we are relaxed, calm and "in a zone". Delta is dreamless sleep mode. Theta is the best time to write, Mya explained, as it is a level of deep relaxation, meditation and is when we are most open to new information and answers to our private issues. Supposedly, this happens to most people during those last moments before we drift to deep sleep. Mya recommended leaving an open journal and pen near your bed to write during this time.
Other tips for being in your best writing mode were to leave your room silent, no music, no television or other distractions, to have only good smells wafting through the air (no cabbage cooking) and to drink only water (no caffeine, alcohol or soda). Most of this made sense to me, and I appreciated her effort in trying to help people out with positive and healthy advice. When the session ended, she was taking money for her $18.00 book and I slipped out.
So, the next time you are almost asleep, pick up that nearby pen and write down the first thing that comes to mind.
I tried it this week and all that came out was, "damn, I can't get to sleep." However, there's always tonight.

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