Thursday, July 16, 2009

small one for now

Listening to Jack Johnson while Phillip distracts Nick in a back room so I can eat some pretzel sticks without being harassed for food. Went to the beach this morning and the water was like glass and warm as tepid bath water. It was a very hot morning and we left by 11- a good time was had by all. Heard on a radio news report that the recession is expected to end in the next few months and we got a kick out of that. Really?? Economists have been reporting that for months now, but the mainstream media has always had a "yeah, but" to counter the positive economic news. You mean all the big bad news we heard during the last few months of the election that we were all going off a cliff in a big old gas guzzling SUV was slightly overblown? Really? never would have guessed that somehow soon after the election, the RECESSION would ever slow slightly start to fade as people slowly gained their sanity back and realized their Purchasing Power controls the economy, not the President (or past one). "Fear" will get anyone elected it seems, from any party, in our country.
tata for now kids.
Chew your cud and put your dreams in a safe place, far far away from growing Big Brother.

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