Thursday, July 9, 2009


It's raining today- glad I got out for some alone time this week to the beach. Although it was pretty wild out there..lots of surf, seaweed and crazy tide leaving behind allkinds of cool driftwood, shells and nasty plastic trash from us humans. Looking forward to a nice night catching up on crafting stuff (photo albums etc) after Nick is asleep. I find aobut 5 good cd's on to put in our huge monolithic stereo system (circa 90's) that we love and will never get rid of, and let them rotate randomly while doing what needs to get done- a little cleaning, a little crafting, a little poking around old zines, books and items in our house that need some attention. It's so easy when you have kids to just always do 'kid stuf" and lose yourself in the routine of your child. I discovered last year that I had to find more time for me, and not be one of those people who has nothing to talk about but their child. Personally, it has made me alot happier and peaceful to rediscover the things I used to do, and to still have friends and new people around who don't have children, or at least don't act like their children are the only thing in their life. Another important thing I learned quickly is that my husband and I still need to act like a couple, not like roomates sharing a house, bills, and our toddler's daily needs. It makes a difference people!!
Someone's honking outside and our dog is going nuts so I have to go for now.
No, I didn't say someone's a honky.
hee hee- that word always makes me laugh outloud it's so outdated, crass, and rednecky. Gotta love the language we invent.

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