Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Men and their hidden sex lives

I wasn't going to comment on the whole Mark Sanford affair going on. Then he had to keep opening his big mouth and telling the world that besides the love affair he's had going on with some Argentinian lover, he's also had inappropriate (but not physical relationship) with other women besides his wife, Jenny. Talk about too much information. I have several points to make about these political figures and their "affairs".
What is really insulting is that he seems to think that by being a bleeding heart sentimentalist (not just a Southern horndog serial adulturer like Clinton, who was also probably a rapist) that his personal life is justified now, like somehow his leaked love letter emails give him some higher standard by which no-one will deem his behavior suitable resignation material. Unlike John Edwards, a Democratic neighbor, Sanford has come forward in a strangely proud fashion to say "yes! I had this affair, my wife knows, my sons know, and because I am not backing down from admitting my affair, then I must be the really good guy here!" Not true, Sanford. You're a dolt.
Edwards was a sad thing to watch, a former Presidential hopeful, cheating on his wife who is fighting a deadly cancer with some media groupie, supposedly fathering a child who looks just like him, and then and still denying the child is his, and his poor wife out there now hawking a book and also in denial about her husband's long running affair in some ways (Elizabeth, in interviews, rarely blames her husband for his affair, like alot of women who would rather brand the other women with the red letter A than their own husband). It's very very disgusting for a husband to treat his longtime wife, and mother to his children in such a way, and much less know it will all play out publicly eventually.
Is it the power plays, the arrogance, the different lifestyles they lead that allow these politcians to feel they can do anything without consequences? It must be all of the above. I always ask why do these men get married if they still want to date or play the field- why don't they remain bachelors and just do that?? Most people I know who got married have questions about commitment and most work through these before going down that rose-laden aisle. I think we must put some blame on our own Puritanical American culture for certain pressures put on people who want to travel the road of political ambition.
Take the case of Gov. Charlie Crist. A few people I know in Tallahassee and other sources have generally accepted that he lived a "gay" lifestyle while at the capitol, and did so pretty openly and without much strife. If the rumours are false, then they were probably started by some old opponent only to lie in wait for his bigger ambitions- such as his current bid for Senate. He got married to a nice wealthy woman (coincidently around the time McCain was looking for VP running mates), they have a big social life here in the St. Pete area, and his popularity has always been pretty high, even among (most) Democrats. So, lately in the political columns I read, the old rumours have popped up. No matter how liked he is, someone out there might not want Crist to win the Senate and the rumours are waiting now for some kind of proof. I hope for his sake the rumours are not true, only because it would mean he wasn't being truthful to himself or the rest of us about who he really is...and our country doesn't need to be babied anymore about what goes on in private bedrooms. I think we're "all grown up now" and don't need or maybe even care ( I don't ) if the person I am supporting for office likes men or women. I just call on people to be truthful about who they are BEFORE they get elected to save us all some time! But then..what would our media do without some jiucy sex scandal?
My problem with these politicians is this- in this day and age, ten years after other public figures like Ellen DeGeneres and others have come out of the closet- why would any young ambitious politician feel the need to hide his or her gay lifestyle. Furthermore- why get married in order to feel like that might be the resume builder you need to move ahead in the world of DC? According to Barney Frank, one of the few openly gay politicians around, there is still that need to portray a perfect family man image to nation in order to be elected into office- and even a straight bachelor may feel pressured to get married and have a few children before stepping into that arena. Think about it- how many Presidents have been single and/or without children? Not many, people.
It would save alot of grief for future wives, children and save us as the general population alot of our wasted time watching "gossip" news about the latest embarrassing downfall of some Sen. Craig, John Edwards, Bill Clinton or Gov. Sanford if they felt like they could run on their merits, goals, and positive ambitions for our country instead of having to stuff down any inner demons deemed "sinful" or marry the first pearl-earring wearing Brown girl they meet at a frat mixer before sowing their oats.
Gov. Sanford pulled his final straw with me when I realized his actions were those of a star-crossed lover in high-school or college, writing love notes, leaving his staff to LIE for him during four days when he was supposed to be hiking the Appalachian Trail, missing Father's Day and leaving his family and staff humiliated and answering for him for days while the press asked where he was. These actions were immature, really irrational, and those of a petulant child that couldn't make his mind up between cupcakes or donuts. I don't think this is the kind of spineless man who should be in a high office such as governor. However, some of this mid-life crisis action could have been avoided altogether had he felt he could govern without the token wife and children...something to ponder anyway. Not an excuse- just a cultural observation.

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