Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hello sunshine

I woke up at 5 am again- with no prompting from my husband's alarm clock since he's not working today and he crashed in our guest bed due to some late night fishing at the causeway. The constant rain and humidity lately has cause me to wake up feeling like my ears are full of water, my nose is stuffy and my head is swimming in a sludge of tide pools. No- it's not a hangover!! Anyhoo, after clearing my head with a cold glass of water followed by some sips on caffeinated coffee (my doctor said it was ok during preggars time so don't be hatin on me) I feel loads better. Nick is sitting here watching me so of course I feel guilty like I should be teaching him Spanish or something valuable instead of being selfish and blogging. Later son- mom needs to make the masses happy with her ever so important opinions, observations and random useful news.....
What a week. Micheal Jackson died. I was sad about it, got tired of the news doing 24 hour docs on him like they are this morning on the music channels but in a weird way, they owe him for their success. His videos and number #1 hits back in the day helped keep their networks alive when there was no internet to download singles, videos or concert footage from like there is today. I love the old disco style music he made, and have fun memories of the local skating rink in PC playing his music while backwards skating and nearly choking on my fat-rats (remember those??). The first thing i said outloud about his death this week was that I never really could have imagined him growing "old", which is truly sad for his children who surely had emotional attachments to their father however eccentric he may have been, and for his parents and siblings. Everyone eles in his outer circle seemed to suck the life and money off of him. I can't even talk about the molestion charges without getting slightly crazy because I have a child and if anyone ever put our son in their bed (a grown man) he would be thrown to the local tarpon here in a heartbeat. Most of his fans seemed to seperate that part of his life out from his music, but I always had a hard time with that...he settled out of court with those children's families for millions of dollars and it just made it seem like a guilty situation. I hope they are at peace if the allegations were true and have gotten more help than just the dollar amount. God rest his Peter Pan soul.

We are counting down weeks now until baby number #2 comes along.... his name will be MINI-ME...just kidding. Actually it will be Jude Emanuel Roosen (Jude after the Beatles song, Emanuel after Phillip's dads middle name, and Roosen because well that's Phillips last name, even though I never legally adopted that name- another story). So, now my Catholic mother in law is probably thrilled that there will be another "saint" in the family and since Dominick has McCarthy as his middle name, everyone is covered! He kicks around 3 am every night - a great indication of whats to come, and pretty much all day.
I went to the beach yesterday and felt like a whale among the kites so to speak in my "maternity" bathing suit, It's black but doesn't make you look slimmer when you're at the 6.5 month mark. I met an Eastern European couple who were smoking while watching their two kids play in the water, and talked to them about the nasty aggressive seagulls that will snatch your snacks right out of your hands. I wanted to ask them- how do you folks stay so slim- is it the smokes? the chilled vodka ?? the sticks of butter used in cooking over there?? But i didn't - it wouldn't seem appropriate I guess...ugghh...self-censorship always makes the soul dim.

Well, tata for now tater tots. Have a great day.

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