Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blah blah blah

There's been alot going on but I have been so tired at night that my mind just floats around like a hormonal butterfly and after around 6 pm or so when Nick is down for bed I just don 't feel like getting on the computer lately. So many of my friends and family give daily updates on their own children and some even give a rundown on their every single family goings-on but I hate doing that to you! So all I am going to do tonight is say I hope you are all doing very well, thank you for the nice comments and inbox letters on FB, thank you for keeping in touch, and I hope that your long summer days (love them!!) are as full as you can make them. Despite the heat, I am enjoying this summer and love being back in the southern heat and beaches (despite all the northerners down here). I did go to Panama City recently and it was just too bittersweet to even stay longer than three days. Phillip and I had such good friends there and I have missed those bonds but hope to build new ones here. Luckily, we happen to have lots of good family around here to pass the time with, and have made some great summer memories with already.
Well, time to putter around out front and water my potted plants (by hand of course) because although we get threats of heavy rain every day, none lands here near the water. It just hovers in the air around me like a net of ozone aquafresh.....and comes with mosquitos.

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