Thursday, March 19, 2009

What happens without television.

For the first 3 years of our marriage, Phillip and I didn't watch cable tv- didn't have it. Ok- there were the 4-5 public access channels including a Spanish one and a Christian network that managed to make it through the airwaves. So, at times, I would put on PBS to catch some Jim Lehrer news hour (didn't care for Sesame Street back then- this was BN- before Nick). Our next move is in 10 days and we're going to try that route again. Only this time, with child. What happens without television, in our experience, is the following:
1. Alot of free time to fill after work- but since I am still a stay at home (for one more year)- I will have more to keep me occupied.
2. The creative side comes out- i did more painting, crafts, renewing furniture, and organizing in our home.
3. Since of accomplishment- at the end of the day, I always felt like I didn't have that list of things to do tomorrow- because I had them done today!
4. Phillip played guitar more often, and I played my keyboard with old piano music weekly.
5. I read alot more- during Nick's naptime, I can catch up on reading which is usually saved for late night while half asleep.
6. Experimented more with dinner recipes and had fun with food!
7. More time to exercise and get outside- no excuses!
8. More time to work on the yard and house projects.
9. Phillip and I would meet up almost every day after work in PC (those 3 years) to socialize with new friends and old ones, and threw get -togethers weekly.
10. Once we have established a few really good baby-sitters here, we will resume that life and enjoy more live music, dancing, and entertaining friends in our new home.
11. With the tv off- we always had our stereo on playing a 5 cd changer full of good music. Every day, something different put in depending on the mood.
12. always a good excuse to try new wine and discuss like experts. Fruity! Dark! Bouquets! Legs! Crisp aroma! Pinot or Sauvignon Blanc?
13. Having more time to chill together playing Scrabble, dominoes or card games that I learn and then have to re-learn. but still... quality time as a couple without the drone of television in the background.
14. Never had one in the bedroom- good rule of course.
15. More time to catch up with family via phone calls and handwritten letters :)
gotta go ! drama in the nursery.

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