Monday, March 16, 2009

Hulk Hogan and other things

Today we went ot Nick's speech therapist and then headed over West to Indian Rocks beach, which is south of where we usually go, but a beautiful place. Indian Rocks is a nice strip of developed beaches with lots of smaller townhomes, cafes, oyster pubs, and condos that aren't over about 6 stories tall. We used a public walkway and while there I took pics with our Cannon (the real camera I call it, not digital) of the water, the colorful umbrellas, and the tall whispy pines they have down here called Austrian Pines (correct me if it's something else). The beaches down here have tons of whole shells and there are spots full of white washed out rock that gives it a neat sundrenched desert look. I miss the wild tall dunes and grasses of Bay and Walton counties, but like the treasure hunting here for sand dollars, sponges, coral and Spanish medallions. :) It's also nice to listen to the European and Canadian crowds while sunbathing...everything is Eastern European or sounds like the characters in "Fargo". I am sure when I speak in my native drawl and newly acquired Nashville twang their ears go "huh?" and they look around for the closest language abuser. Also spotted- a few banana hammocks (courtesy Europeans I assume?)
Upon leaving and driving north on alt 19 we came upon the swanky Bellair Beach, home to footballers, minor celebrities, Middle Eastern millionaires, and old money country clubbers. I say this tongue in cheek.... the most infamous celebrity of late is Hulk Hogan and dismantled family who live scattered throughout this beach and Clearwater. I kept looking at the golf carts cruising up and down the landscaped grasses for Linda or mini-me Brooke but it was like shooting fish in a barrell- lots of those types here. Hogan's son recently drove him and a friend into a tree and put his friend in a lifelong veggie state, sadly, and Nick was freed from jail lately. Soon after, the friend's father was caught trying to pay a Clearwater cop $1000 to kill his wife. That is the saddest situation.
So, no Hulk sightings today. My husband has seen him at TIA flying out. Maybe another celebrity will come to Clearwater and cause less harmful drama for us locals to be entertained with. Ending a sentence with a "with"- isn't that wrong ya'll? I'm still looking for Tom Cruise and fam outside of the Scientology compound downtown. Those jerks made the old Methodist church stop chiming it's bells at noon because it interrupted their blackmail sessions- I mean meditation. Have I said that before? I'm a totally a biased Methodist. Well- tata for now. Have fun out there!

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