Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday! And stoner movies.

it's great to get up at 6am on a Saturday! Yeah for us! It's not even light out yet:) Anyhoo, Phillip just went over to the new house. We spent yesterday there after a two hour closing - gotta love Florida real estate paperwork- mostly putting up blue tape for painting and cleaning tiled floors and dusting. Slowly, the house will lose that abandoned feeling and will be filled with our family's noise, playing, cooking and yes, Dude's white hair. The neighbors came over to say hi- one a retired Clearwater policeman who has this gorgeous German shepard. He gave us the lowdown on the water restrictions- once every Tuesday after 6 pm. Similar to this house. I didn't tell him that we're a cult that believes in legalizing marijuana and worships the Egyptian god Isis.- Just kidding! We will be moving this week after all the painting is complete. For the first time, we'll have a bigger space with some room to roam- a luxury for us after 6 years of moving around the Southeast.

On another note- we watched "Pineapple Express" last night. After weeks of being delayed by Netflix, I had really high expectations. I thought it would be the holy grail of pot movies. In my opinion, it was ok. Merely entertaining. Have you ever watched a movie and said outloud- "That's really funny" but not really laughed along? That was us last night. We were dog tired, muscles aching and weary from cleaning. But, the movie had a few crazy funny scenes to keep us interested enough to not stop. I'm getting tired of Seth Rogan as the chubby nerd guy who plays the lead actor in alot of Jud Apatow films- the novelty wears off, similarly with the Ben Stiller movies. James Franco and especially Danny McBride (hope i got that right) as Red were a fun surprise as the other stoner buddies who get mixed up in some plot that I lost around 15 minutes into it. I knew the plot wasn't important anyway, so just enjoyed a goofy, half-baked story about marijuana, it's dealers, it's many "types", it's effects, it's glory, it's path to destruction.....ok.... it was a fun movie with some well written witty dialogue (Apatow's good at that) and the very last scene was a nice finale. Watch it if you need to mellow out, without thinking too much :)

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