Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Paint Colors

So, for the past few weeks we 've been looking at paint samples and deciding what colors to put where in our new home. I love the imaginative color names, such as "brisk olive", "Fiesty red", and "Motor City Blue" (which may be in our guest bath). In fun, I've made an off the cuff list of my own that you may never find in your nearest Lowe's :

"Obama Drama"- this rich hue of smoky blue has tiny little "o's" that become visible on your wall after application- simlar to glitter in a girl's nail polish that is floating in the paint until applied.
"Baby's last meal"- this nice ochre yellow is the color of- baby's last meal. Great for your nursery or dining room.
"Slingnasty"- this paint comes out hot pink and screaming "hey dude! I'm freakin hot!" Put this tone in your walk in closet or bathroom."
"Tampa Bay circa 1980"- this tone is a dark, murky mud green similar to the color of Tampa Bay before they started noticing pollution and dead manatees.
"Hunch Punch"- this paint named after a famous drink at Newbie's drive through in PCB goes on bright tropical red and comes out the same way.
"Wedding Virgin White"- this paint goes on pale pink, for obvious reasons.
gotta run...more fun later!

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