Saturday, March 14, 2009

my son is being real cute today

So we all got up around 6 am and waited for the sun...the time change creates a weird hour in the morning when it's still pitch black until around 7:10. While I sip on my cup of joe and put on Sesame Street for Nick, I wandered to the pc to browse landscaping ideas for our soon to be new home. It has a rough backyard- all weeds, sand, old dog toys, and oak saplings. We'll clear it all out and have a blank slate, and it's huge. Luckily, a neighbors tree drops a ton of free tangelos for us to enjoy- bonus! While browsing ideas for a green yard with no sod (the new hip thing here in drought stricken FL) Nick just said "Eeee!" and "Ahh" and "Ohh!" while following the ABC song, and it is so darn cute. He has been slow to talk, surprising for sure in this boisterous household but he babbles alot and is never really quiet. We learned because his vision is slightly impaired, that he doesn't pay attention to our mouths to learn sounds like most babies and toddlers do, so he is learning more by mimicking us. For example, I'll say "Go Gators!" and he'll say "go gaga" or something like that- but he's not watching me like he should. Our new exercise taught by his therapist, is to try to get him to look at our mouths when we talk, and that's fine and pretty easy. But his attention span, like any 2 year old, is about 2 minutes. So we're happy with his progress and are enjoying a healthy normal child make those first words like daddy, momma, eee, oohh, aahh, and he does a gutteral "beep beep" for any of his trucks, buses, tractors and racecars. That's a whole different topic for later- how boys and girls do seem to be attracted to items without persuasion, that are "boy" or "girl" toys. Just my own observations to add to the whole nature vs. nurture argument. Well...we're off to the gym, the marina to look for manatees and then maybe Home Depot. Have a wonderful Saturday!

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