Monday, June 18, 2012

good combos

From Lifehacker via Eating Well..a simple read on what foods are best to eat together in order to keep the full nutritional value. (link below).  For example- cooking broccoli drastically reduces a lot of it's must touted anti cancer compounds, however lightly cooked broccoli dipped in mustard keeps those rewards intact. (personal tip -- try to eat as many veggies as possible raw, dipping in light hummus, yogurt if you must). My fave new treat for evening snacking is natural popcorn with tumeric, paprika or curry sprinkled all over, gives it a ton of flavor with much more benefits than salt or butter of course. Little things like this are an easy way to enjoy your fave foods. More later, kids, it's been a busy weekend and days like today are for catching up and also entertaining our kids who are out of school and easily bored. Onward!

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