Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cancer prevention may cause girls to become preggars?

Ahh- do you feel it? do you catch that whiff of something wicked in the air? Did you feel those shivers run down your spine today? No? ok maybe because it's 108 degrees outside right now, but read this and weep a little for the future of cancer prevention and cures (you know, all those 5K's you run - all that money goes to martini swilling "women who lunch" anyway or at least for their teacup poodle's manicures!).

Some bishop in Oh! Canada wants to prevent the HPV vaccine from being offered in Catholic Schools. Because- in the Bible it clearly states:

"Thou shall take care of your women and daughters in the following manner- letting them die prematurely from a very common preventable disease, and also do not forget that taking care of your women means keeping them illiterate, in the home, under your covers and in general making tons more babies so they can pop more pills, drink more wine from their BPA free bottles (ahem), o.d. on their kids' Adderall, and generally be stressed to the point of no return. But, ye shall find a higher truth in this! Your women will know your love and will be at peace and blessed by your kind actions. Just send your young sons to choir lessons and church camps and ye shall find a place at my table." 

Amen to that. On a reality note- please if you have children, take time to discuss these issues with them, in any way you can. Children only need to know their parents are looking out for them and this is not the job of a "hired hand" of some church (which is a business by the way) but YOUR JOB.

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