Monday, January 16, 2012

My birthday is your birthday.

Every single day we are here is "your birthday". Appreciate each day as it comes and remember to let those moody days run their course and turn into something light. We make choices every day about what to buy, when to pick up our children, where to go, what to do, who to about choosing to be positive.

this a lesson I repeat to myself over all my 38 years. It comes easily to some, some who move on lightly through life. Others of us, perhaps think too much, worry too much and forget to turn that coin over. The past few years, as you have read, I have been sharing some personal insights into my own shifting moods and how I react. I have also shown how positive it is to Act..instead of ReAct. Volunteering and remaining involved with positive people who share a similar sense of humor and motivations helps a ton. Surrounding oneself with people who appreciate cynism and wit but yet don't thrive on constant criticism of others helps to. I have reminded myself that turning in on oneself is the key, rather than being self-righteous so much about others.

I have learned in these adult years that no matter what, some people like to remain unhappy- it their vice and it is their crutch. They do not want to change- so I let them be. A few phone calls or family or friend events but still I cannot worry about those who are consistently complaining.

It is life that we may all have a our very dark sides and those I welcome on those nights of wind, rain or times that my heart needs to release those "juju" moods. But here comes the sun- through this window on this Florida morning- breezes blowing through our house and the sound of Mumford and Sons coming from the monolithic 1990's stereo. It is a damn good day. It's been a crazy year but what's the alternative?

Happy Birthday to you! When people start to get on your nerves, or life gets a little buggy- turn in on yourself, look for that sun and thank God you are alive.

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