Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I've been doing

Hello cats and dogs! What are you up to on these hot humid nasty days? Did i mention it's hot and humid. About to get another afternoon storm here (pretty regular after 3) and soon that Hurricane Irene will be barreling up the East coast, making some poor souls get all wet and prob have no a/c for a few days (been there, lots of times- we always got beer, ice, fruit and charge those cell phones early!).

Soo...I intend on writing some good stuff here soon but have been a little busy the past few weeks. Twice within a 7 day period I am sitting here plugging away happily, doing some writing for someone else' website and blog. You may know him- Aaron Allen from Panama City, FL. His parents owned a great restaurant (Allen's Seafood) and we met up for a quick lunch last year after getting in touch on Facebook. As cheesy as some may think Facebook is, I have to say, I have liked getting back in touch with some old friends, even those I may not have been super close with 20 years ago- but rather the ones who I may have more in common with now, or even find interesting company for lunch (who Aaron, of course, is). My two young kids were behaved enough but that's not the point-

The point is, you should check his website out sometime. He does global restaurant consulting, and I am helping to write blog posts for him. His site is . I love doing this kind of work and am hoping to offer my services to more companies soon. Anyway, Aaron and I have been in touch about working since January (when I did a few works for him) and now I am helping with a few blog topics he needs research on. Obviously, in this my own blog, is full of grammatical issues and editing nightmares...but I am very happy to have another creative outlet as real work.

So....if you look at his site under "Restaurant Marketing" (under Blogs) you will see two posts "5 Tips for Location Based Services" and "5 Well Done Restaurant FB Pages" may recognize my own voice on those. Of course Aaron has great anecdotes to insert and great professional information that is also infused into the blogs! Anyway, check it out sometime. You are welcome to "like" any of his great articles (look for him to do more fantastic stuff about Global Food Crisis and Foodie Trends too). I have also contributed several other ideas like "Successful blogging," "On Facebook, Now What?", "Like and Share, the Dynamic Duo", and "Selling on Facebook" which you may see posted down the road.

Let's be clear- the ideas and initial information is all Aaron. I merely edit, contribute great screenshots, ideas and additional information. Fun- what a journalism and advertising geek like me loves to do. And all from home!

Soo- the next time you get on Facebook and wonder why I'm there for three hours a night- I am probably doing restaurant marketing research (trust me, tons!) and NOT trying to find out where you live or if you're married !

LOVE TO YOU ALL - Jenn McC. PS will be writing again very soon :)

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