Friday, June 24, 2011

Posting some vids from Deluna Artists

Deluna Fest this year will be awesome. I am a big fan of many of the bands that are coming and also love seeing new stuff "live" and then have some new bands to talk with Phillip about. (Bad grammar, it's Friday what do you care). This song gets better as it builds. The vid was directed by the same folks who did some kick butt White Stripes and Foo vids.

If any of you can make it to Pcola for any of the now 4 day Deluna Fest, please do so! We met up with some good old friends last year and of course that has been Phillip and my own hometown at different periods in our lives. We love it! It has the cosmo feel of a larger town with some homegrown friendliness and a ton of great downtown venues, symphony halls, and art museums. In fact, the first Warhols I ever saw were in downtown Pcola, and although I saw many more years later at Boston Museum of Art, the Pcola one I drove there with a few girlfriends...was my first high school brush with art that was not out of a textbook. (Panama City caught up a few years later ;)

Tata for now, but be ready, because I am into a musical mood and there ain't no stopping that train.

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