Saturday, September 11, 2010

Austin City Limits

Look, there's alot of crap to write about, and although it's all up in my head, I cannot always find the time to write about everything I think about. So forgive me, dear friends. It's not like I dont' know you have other things to do than read this crappy blog of mine.

SO, on Austin City Limits tonight, after all the football hoopla, My Morning Jacket was performing. Now, I am a new fan of theirs. I have heard of them, but with music the way it is now a days, speaking as an old fart, you have to do your research and not rely on some music "channel" to let you know what bands are cool or what to check out. As it has been the past years, we just try to forage through music sites and online zines to see the latest and greatest.
"My Morning Jacket" put on a great show. It was chillin, laid back, at times zippy, at times trippy. It had the current theme- the big full beard frontman, the crazy thin guy on keyboard, the wailing long haired dude on drums...but all in all their music was very nice, live. That's the key, live. I loved their somewhat old school "Chicago, Framton- like" style. But I had the clear thought that they would rather be seen as more "Phish" or "grateful Dead" style...they need to accept their true tone. Or, maybe their self-perception is just not my reality ;)
I truly like their music, their vibe. It is suitable for a long afternoon or a drive. They are clearly talented, and I can appreciate their various talent on different instruments. They tried hard during this live performance, to showcase their wide range of talent, and it was successful. I would suggest that the vocals, so high and tenor-ish, may not be for everyone, even myself who tends to like deeper voices, and growly rock. This is not music for someone who wants to "rock out" rather for someone who wants to "veg out". And both are ok by me. No details on songs or writers yet..I haven't had time yet tonight to sit more than 5 minutes at a time...such is life with two kids and phone calls to take care of!
Hope you are having a wonderful night. Life is never perfect - but moments can be. Please take a moment to put aside any cynicism you may have to remember those who lost their lives on Sept 11. It was such a big moment for me, just in the situation I was in at work (media) and how crazy it was afterwards...details like Tyndall being cordoned off with machine gun bearing men, and not being able to talk to my fiance for hours not knowing if anything had happened at their base. Little things compared to people going to work and getting blown up, or put into the ground as in PA or the Pentagon. People forget, or seem to want to forget..I don't understand this mentality. Why do so many Americans hate themselves, or feel unworthy of feeling patriotic? I have come to believe because there is no modern Vietnam, that some of our current generation must find reasons to "rebel" against their upper middle class Christian families for some reason, maybe in order to find purpose? I don't know, I get curious about this new facet of our society, but then I was like them for a brief moment in college, before I joined the real working world. I just wish people would give more respect to the country they live and work in.. if you don't like it- there are plenty of European countries that would be happy to take your American dollars.

Really, in the end, there are still some great bands going on here...Music- the last frontier.

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