Friday, May 28, 2010

FB quitters and how I may be one

I have a few friends who have quit Facebook, and I completely understand their reasons. Their number one reason is that they feel when they ever write anything political that is "anti-Obama", they are vilified. Trust me, it's not cool or very fun to see. It's actually very ugly to see that others can write whatever they want, but the minute someone disagrees, Oh- snap- they are crucified publicly on the internet and are not given any respect (because they are deemed "wrong") and because others disagree with them.
What happened to our country two years ago? What happened to open- mindness and open dialogue? What happened to our people being about to express themselves without being deemed a racist just because they don't like the current president? How diverse and open minded we have become, right?

It's so sad. Some people I used to respect in my own private world have become somewhat strangers to me, they always instigate negativity, they brush off others opinions and don't allow for any argument against their own when on their grandstand. It's sad because I used to like open debate, and how diverse my own circle of friends were - now those friends live in bigger cities and are still there to talk to, but do not live in the small suburbs where these arguments take place. They don't care- and would love any open debates about anything! Oh, how I miss those days. Sensitivity with allowance for differences... Senses of humour. No sour puss " I know everything because John Stewart or some college told me so" ego.

No fun. God hopes we find it soon.

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