Friday, March 26, 2010

Weird foods, guilty pleasures.

It must be all the Catholic news lately that has making most of my headers lately have the word "guilty" in them...anyhow, this is about all the nasty, weird, or wonderful foods I like and others like. Let's just dig right in!

Sardines - I freakin love these nasty little buggers- in oil, in mustard sauce, in red sauce. I love to eat them with Saltines and of course always pick the backbone out.

Smoked oysters in a can- another love affair of the stomach. I can only eat these a few times a year. Although I can eat raw oysters for breakfast, the smoked ones are so strong, so oil, so very odd that I feel my body composition change after eating them. Good with crackers also.

Orange push-ups- Holy mother of Goodness, these cheap treats come in those slide up floor coolers at Junior Stores (you remember those don't you?) and taste like vanilla/orange/ creamy lusciousness. I used to ride with my dad from our home in Pretty Bayou (PC) to gas our boat up before loading up the family to go to Shell Island for the day, and he would buy me one. Love them!

Walmart trail mix- this comes in several varieties. Yes, it's easier to make your own, just like I always make our own granola bars (easy!), but this is under $5, ready to go, and full of chocolate, peanuts, cashews, raisins, and other varieties include spicy crunchy stuff. good, but not low calory by any means.

Betty Crocker Bacon Ranch cold pasta salad in a box- if you've never had this, do it. This has been a staple of most of our cookouts for years, only we make about 4 boxes at once for parties. All you do is add mayo, it's got all the fakey bacon parts, dehydrated peas, carrots bits and uber strong magic powder that you add to finish. Yummy! and probably not great for you.

turkey bacon- which my husband says is not bacon at all. true. I don't eat it anymore but loved it's salty goodness for years.

Slim Jims and other dried up meat parts sold in shrink wrap - wow, I used to love getting one of these every now and then. I am a salt lover, and don't eat alot of ice cream, cake, etc. Anything with a strong salt flavor (like martinis) is my downfall. Slim Jims are the beef jerky king, with alot of imitators. It's full of carcinogens, , nitrates, and spices to keep the meat preserved, and it's wrapped in an edible "casing" that melts in your mouth. Heaven!!

Things I can't stomach well- celery ( I don't like hidden celery like in cold salads- that mysterious crunch bothers me), relish ( I like sour pickles plain and out in the open, not mashed up), pickled herring in sour cream (my husband loves this- yuck! I'm not from the North, that is just gross), fake cheesy sauce (Velveeta, etc.), and most "creamed" stuff ( I prefer most foods to be compartmentalized to I can see each food for what it is!)

Talk to you all later?? Hope you are having a great night! I had to write this quick before I go outside and keep our dog from digging more holes. He goes after mole crickets and the big toads that bury themselves for hibernation. They always sit around looking stunned after he uproots them, poor things.

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